Liv Pur Nutritional Supplements

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Dangers of a Low Fat Diet

No Radio today! So it was Podcast time. 

On the Lean, Fast and Strong Podcast-

Episode 9: The Dangers of a Low Fat Diet.

I cover 15 research based dangers of a low fat diet.

You can access my Podcast here:

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist 

Monday, February 22, 2016

Free Report: Eat THIS first thing in the morning to immediately skyrocket your metabolism

Wake Up, Eat This, Burn Fat

Nutrition is the foundation for all of your health and fitness goals.

Learning how to eat properly to burn fat and build muscle is essential for good health.

Finding quality nutrition information is not easy. This report comes from a trusted source that is a verified professional in the field of nutrition.

Getting your hands on quality information is also difficult as some reports are very expensive.

I know that I cannot afford to spend a lot on nutrition information, even though it is very valuable.

Fortunately for you and I, there is some great information available at no cost.

Knowing what to eat and when to eat it are very important factors when it comes to burning fat.

It really comes down to the choices that you make. Timing is also very important as it has a great impact on your hormone levels.

If you choose the right foods right when you wake up, you can ignite your fat-burning metabolism to burn fat all day long.

Eat the WRONG thing, however, and unfortunately the pounds will just keep piling on :-(

Do you want to know exactly what to eat (and what NOT to eat) when you wake up to spark your metabolism for massive fat-burning ALL day long?

If so, my good friend and top nutrition expert Joel Marion just wrote a brand new free report that shows you the exact foods to eat in the morning, and even better he's giving it away completely free if you visit the link below and download it today.

Grab your free report here:

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Log Training Series: Bent Rows

Bent row with the Log Training Series.

Log training, like other odd objects, provides the athlete with challenging variety. 
Using any and all tools at your disposal allows you to continue to train in different environments, with different tools, grips, stances and weight.

It's fun, challenging, full of variety and will keep the plateau monkey off your back for awhile.

Get outside and move something.

Eric Dempsey
MS, Certified Underground Strength Coach

Friday, February 19, 2016

What an Elementary School Physical Education Program Should Be

The focus of an elementary school physical education program should be in developing children’s perceptual abilities, motor skills and interest in physical activity. The program should not be overly technical, as specialized, sports related, skill development will come later in the children’s life, especially during high school. 

An elementary school program should focus on having a personalized approach to each individual student. Some children are fast learners and highly coordinated and others are not. The program should help each type of student with their particular needs. The physical education program should help children see the value in physical activity and help them develop a positive relation with it. 

Basic motor skill development should be included as this is an important learning process for children. The basic skills including running, jumping, skipping, climbing, throwing and catching should be taught as part of the fundamental program. Perceptual motor skills should also be included, to not only help the children function more efficiently in a learning environment, but to also help with better overall movement patterns.

Physical education programs at this level should be progressive in nature and begin with basic skills and then evolve into more advanced game and sport related skill development. Team building, social interaction and group participation should be emphasized over victory and defeat, in sporting events and games. 

This program has the ability to help children develop a positive self-image and allow them to face physical challenges with confidence. This is a critical part of a child’s development that will assist them throughout their lives. The elementary school physical education program can build a child’s foundation for self-confidence, functional motor skills and a desire to be active, that will have a lifelong and positive impact.


Fahey, Thomas. Youth Fitness Trainer, 3rd Ed. Carpinteria: International Sports Sciences Association, 2015. Print.

Fahey, Thomas. Fitness for Kids and Teens, 3rd Ed. Carpinteria: International Sports Sciences Association, 2015. Print.

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Thursday, February 18, 2016

BioTrust 30% off sale

BioTrust 30% off sale!

Limited time!

This is an amazing offer. It's a great time to stock up or try BioTrust if you've been wanting to check it out. 

Just use the coupon code dent30 at checkout to save 30% on your entire order today.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Radio Tuesday! Low Fat Diets are No Good!

Radio Tuesday! 

Filling the airwaves with fitness, nutrition and health info! 

Today we talked about low fat diets, sodium, USDA recommendations, eggs, cardio, macronutrient ratios and more. 

I'm also available for training now, on the MyFit On Demand Fitness App.

Join us every Tuesday for the Dempsey's Resolution Fitness Hour, on the Ranger Joe's God & Country Show, 1420am from 2-3pm eastern time.


Are You Managing Your Macronutrient Ratio?

Today, I wanted to talk to you about your macronutrient ratio for your nutrition program. 

Eating in three or managing your macros or macronutrient ratio is a very important nutrition principle. 

By managing your macronutrient ratio along with your calorie intake, you can tailor your nutrition program to your specific goals. 

Different goals require different nutrition profiles. 

There is a lot more detail required for optimal nutrition and fitness than the old line of just "eat less and exercise more". 

From my own experiences, with my own training and the training of hundreds of people, over the last 35 years, I have been using a macronutrient ratio that evolved from trial and error. 

What I have found to work for most people, who want rapid progress, is a ratio of 50/30/20. Carb cycling is inserted into my program relating to activity level. 

For non-workout meals, the 50/30/20 ratio is protein, fat and carbs. 

For pre and post workout meals, the 50/30/20 ratio is carbs, protein and fat. 

More activity = more carbs and less fat. Less activity = more fat and less carbs. 

Protein stays either high or medium. 

You can track these ratios in either calories or grams. 

Or you can use the "eyeball the plate method" as in the picture above. 

That will get you in the ball park when you don't have time to calculate numbers. 

Hope this helps you speed to your goals. 

This is a proven method. If you actually use it, it will work. 

Most people are too lazy to even follow a simple plan. 

That's why 6 out of 10 people are either overweight or obese. 

Don't be one of the 6/10. 

Learning real, healthy, nutrition concepts takes education and time. 

I have spent the time and taken the courses. 

Let me share my knowledge with you so you can reach your goals now, instead of next year or never. 

If you need help, I'm available either in person or online to assist you in developing your customized nutrition and/or fitness program for your specific goals. 

Recently, I met with a lady in Columbus at a Starbucks. Over coffee, I spent an hour with her, creating her nutrition program. If she actually uses it, she will make big progress, fast.

I have done numerous nutrition and fitness programs over FB Messenger, skype, email and in person. 
With technology, distance is no longer an issue. 

Or if you are local, I can meet you in town or on post. 

Contact me if you want help. 

If you are willing to do what is required, I have the solution for you.

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Is a Paleo Nutrition Program Right for You?

Do You Deserve the Paleo Lifestyle?

Do you deserve to reach and maintain a healthy body composition level?

Do you believe it's your right to have healthy blood sugar levels, a stronger, leaner, toned body and a reduction in your likelihood of contracting sickness and disease?

If those benefits, fewer aches and pains due to inflammation, and skin, hair and teeth that are young, strong and healthy looking are what you believe you deserve, the Paleo lifestyle might be for you.

Notice I said lifestyle, and not diet.

That is because adopting a Paleolithic approach to nutrition is all about living that lifestyle. When people hear the word diet, they think about some drastic approach to eating for a short period of time, to lose X number of pounds.

And that's not what the caveman "diet" is all about.

It is about changing your mindset about health, and eating natural, whole foods that are unprocessed, like vegetables and fruits, seafood and lean meats, healthy fats, nuts and seeds. The way the human body works has not changed for thousands of years. However, our food has.

It is chock-full of man-made chemicals, preservatives, steroids and additives. Unhealthy processed and refined sugar, flour and salt are in just about everything you eat. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), trans fats and other poisons have been added to your food to make it last longer in the grocery store.

The result is that processed food has very little nutrition.

Natural foods, raw, whole fruits, vegetables and lean meats, are nutrient-rich. Eating those foods and gaining the health benefits of such a sensible approach to nutrition is what the Paleo lifestyle is all about.

If you want to learn more, visit Living Life the Paleo Way

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

New! The Gentlemen's Cookbook On Sale For Valentine's Day

The  Gentleman's Cookbook is a complete new way at looking
at cooking and it focuses on how to cook for more than just
yourself. We are talking cooking gourmet 3-course meals.

We wanted to bring back the “old school” approach of being
a gentleman that ANY man could follow.

Learn how to make great meals that your partner will love, 
especially on Valentine's Day.

Grab your copy Now!

MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Monday, February 8, 2016

BioTrust 18% off Super Bowl Sale!

BioTrust 24hr Super Bowl Sale! 

Get 18% off all products for the next 24 hours and receive a FREE copy of the 3 Week Rapid Fat Loss Diet! (a $49.95 Value!).

Just use the code broncos18 at checkout for the additional 18% savings on your ENTIRE order.

Hit the link here:

Eric Dempsey

Infused water of the week: lime and ginger

Infused water of the week: limes and ginger.

Simple to make. Lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Keeps you hydrated. 

Chop it up and drop it in a jug of water. Let it set over night or at least for a couple hours. Then drink it up! 

I use a little stevia to sweeten it.

Drop the sugary drinks and dry this instead. You will feel better and even drop some weight. 

A glass of these water drinks gives me energy as well- like a cup of coffee. Good stuff. 

I'm giving away a free copy of my smoothie and infused water recipes ebook, when you pick up a copy of my green smoothie lifestyle ebook.

Grab it now and start getting healthy.

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Long Range Surveillance Leaders Course

Old school, back in the day!

3 tours of duty in the school house. 1997-2000, 2005-2006, 2010.

The politics and the love/ hate affair with conventional leadership  over reconnaissance and surveillance were extremely similar to the struggles faced by the LRRP/LRP/Ranger companies of the Vietnam era. 

Reading old Ranger history about Roger's Rangers and the struggles Roger went through with the British leadership - same sh*t, different day.

Some things don't change. 
I am thankful to have served alongside some of the best warriors and soldiers, during my time in 3rd Armored Division LRSD, 82nd Airborne Division LRSD and LRSLC/RSLC. 

The experiences and lessons learned were timeless, relevant and very valuable. 
Some of the Best, worst days of my life. 

Eric Dempsey,
Master Sergeant, 
US Army Retired.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The 17 Basic Principles of Fitness Training

The seventeen basic principles of fitness training

.1. Train the way the person wants their body to change. This is the most important training
principle. The body adapts to stress in a highly specific way, therefore the best way to
improve performance in a sport is to practice that particular sport.

2. Eat a well balanced diet. The right diet can improve performance and reduce excess body
fat. The diet should supply enough calories to meet energy needs but still allow athletes to
control their weight. The diet should be high in fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole grains.

3. Establish realistic goals. Goals should reflect capability and motivation. Once a goal is
achieved, reevaluate and set a new goal. Setting achievable short term goals is critical for
long term success.

4. Have a workout plan. Analyzing the elements necessary for achieving a clients’ goals is
key to setting up a good workout plan. A training diary is the best way to help the athlete
to obtain each month's goals.

5. Train all year round. Athletes who take too much time off from their exercise program will
lose the gains they have made. They may also be more susceptible to injury if they
attempt to get back in shape too rapidly. Establish a year round program; have specific
goals and procedures for each period of the year—and encourage the athlete to stick to

6. Get in shape gradually. Trying to increase fitness too fast may lead to injury or over training.
Introduce the stresses of exercise gradually so the person eventually becomes more fit with less 
chance of injury. 

7. Do not train when ill or injured. The body has problems trying to fight more than one
stressor. Training when sick or injured can seriously hinder progress or even be
dangerous. It is particularly important never to train with a fever. After an injury, athletes
can return to normal training once they are healed.

8. Train first for volume and later for intensity. Repetitive, low intensity exercise prepares the body
to withstand more intensive training with less injury risk. High intensity training designed to develop
power and speed pushes the body to its limit. If athletes first develop a “fitness base” and increase the
intensity of training gradually, they will develop power and speed with less risk of strains, sprains,
and muscle cramps.

9. Listen to the body. Athletes should not adhere to the planned program too stubbornly if it
does not feel right. Sometimes the body needs to rest more than it needs exercise.
Athletes must work hard to achieve high levels of fitness, yet too much or too intense
training can be counterproductive. Proper rest is just as important as intense training to
improve fitness.

10. Vary the volume and intensity of workouts. Athletes must balance rest and moderate
intensity workouts with high intensity exercise sessions. You should not exercise at maximum
intensity every time you enter the gym. This is where periodization, or cycle, training comes in. It
allows the body to recover more fully and to train hard when hard training is called for.

11. Emphasize the athletes' weakness. Analyze your weaknesses and correct them systematically.
You can do this only if you establish goals and then systematically assess the athlete’s capability of
achieving them.

12. Train systematically. Have a plan to comfortably and consistently improve fitness. A
training partner is important for motivation and safety. A coach, training partner, and
training diary will help workouts become more systematic.

13. Warm up and cool down. Muscles work best when they are slightly warmer than at rest
and have adequate blood flow. Cool down helps to gradually restore normal resting blood
flow levels to the inner organs.

14. Train the mind. To become physically fit, or to succeed in competition, athletes must
believe in themselves and their potential. This requires discipline and is an ongoing

15. Listen to coach pain. The athlete will have little joint or muscle pain if they
perform sports movements correctly. Back, shoulder, and elbow pain are usually indicative
of improper biomechanics. Pain indicates that something is wrong with the program, with
the technique, or both.

16. Learn all you can about exercise. If an athlete knows why the various components of
training are important, they are much more likely to plan an intelligent, effective program.

17. Finally, Have fun and keep the exercise program in proper perspective.

Apply these 17 principles to your fitness program and you will see progressive and retainable
progress. If you found these principles to be helpful, then please like, comment, subscribe and share
with your friends and family. Stay tuned and I'll have more for you soon.


Fahey, Thomas. Strength and Conditioning, 3rd Ed. Carpinteria: International Sports Sciences Association, 2013. Print

Eric Dempsey
Master Sergeant, US Army, Retired.
MS, ISSA Elite Trainer

Living Life The Paleo Way

Paleo nutrition fundamentals can get you healthy and lean, by focusing on good whole foods.

If you want to learn more about Living Life The Paleo Way, 

visit my site here:

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist

Monday, February 1, 2016

Intermittent Fasting: Can it be used with another diet for weight loss?

Video 4 of the intermittent fasting series.

Check out the latest video to find out if intermittent fasting can be used with other diets for weight loss.

Grab your free intermittent fasting handout here: FREE IF INFO HANDOUT

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Weight Loss Specialist
Dempseys Resolution Fitness