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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The 10 minute at home workout series #5

Here is the 5th workout in the 10 minute at home workout series.

This workout requires a chair and utilizes body weight for resistance.

2 exercises

Exercise 1: the single leg split squat. Balance one foot on the chair. The lead leg supports your weight and does all the work. Bend the front leg, keeping your knee in line with your foot and drop the back leg down. Try to get the front leg parallel to the floor. Take a deep breath. Exhale and drive through your front heel. Drive your hip forward, contracting your glutes until you are standing upright again. Brace your abs and glutes throughout the process. Perform 6 reps and then repeat on the other side.

Exercise 2: the modified chair push-up. Assume a plank position with your hands on the chair arms. Brace your core and glutes. Inhale as you lower yourself down until your triceps are in line with your back. Exhale and extend your arms fully on the way up. Perform 6 reps.

Perform 6 reps of exercise one on each side, immediately followed by 6 reps of exercise two.

Continue this sequence for 10 minutes straight.

The goal is constant movement with no breaks. Go as fast as you can without compromising form.

Remember to keep your core braced, head and back straight and keep your butt down with a neutral spine throughout the movements.

Build up to it as needed. This is not an easy drill. But it will hit upper body, core, legs and cardio.

Drink water and stretch! Eat your food. I'll have another workout for you soon. Get at it and keep up the great work.

You know you can spare 10 minutes. Get it done.

Eric Dempsey
Master Sergeant, U.S. Army Retired
NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Loss Specialist
Masters Degree in Exercise Science
Dempseys Resolution Fitness

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