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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Body Composition Tracking for Health and Fitness

Body composition tracking is an effective way of using analytical data to assist you in reaching your goal.

For some reason, the debunked calorie deficit "eat less and exercise more" method of weight loss has been on the rise once again.

Body weight equals the sum of your combined lean body mass and fat mass (apples and oranges).

There are numerous methods available to track your body composition.

When you track data, you can make necessary, and timely adjustments to your fitness and nutrition program so it puts you back on track, or keeps you on track, as you proceed toward your goal.

Blindly losing weight can cause you to lose an excessive amount of lean body mass, while retaining and sometimes even gaining body fat.

Regardless of your goal, burning fat, while retaining or gaining lean body mass, is the optimal path towards victory.

So if you aren't tracking calorie intake, and body composition levels, and you aren't reaching your goal, consider tracking your numbers, at least periodically, so that you can make adjustments as needed.

It is very important for us to maintain or build lean body mass, while decreasing our body fat levels, especially as we get older.

Eric Dempsey
MS, NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist

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