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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Active and Dynamic Warmups for Older Adults

Into the arena to face the beast on a Monday night. Never Let Monday Win!

Standing band chest press using a wooden short staff. 

Your active and dynamic warmups should mimic the activity that you are actually going to do in your workout. 

This is different than doing general physical preparedness training which many perform as a warmup. 

As we get older, specific warmups become more important. I use the standing band chest press for the bench press because it warms up the actual muscles and joints used in the bench press.

Increased blood flow and synovial fluid production are important to reduce the risk of injury. The bands also are less painful than the first set on the bench. I also use my first set on the bench and all exercises as an additional warmup set. 

This also allows you to dial in the correct muscles that you will be using during the workout. Muscle activation training is a side bar benefit of specific warmups. 

Warmup and go hit the weights!

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