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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Do You Like Working Out Hard? Intensity Revisited

People perceive things in very different ways. In the fitness world, people have different views of what a hard workout is. One of the very first things that I do with new bootcampers and clients is to teach them what intensity is all about so that there is no confusion between what they thought and reality. So I have them do a Tabata Drill. It breaks them off and puts them down on a knee. The weak minded fold and crumple and are never seen again. Then the ones who come back know what they are getting themselves into and there is no mercy from then on. Some say that practice is not good for business but I will not be weak or support weakness. Pink dumbbells and jogging on the treadmill for 8 hours are not intensity. Spin class at full bore is only cardio. Bodypump at full bore is still mostly aerobic because of the light weights and high reps. You cannot experience reality until you do the heavy stuff first and then move at high speed. When you cross realms between the aerobic and anaerobic zones and operate beyond in the red zone where strength, power, endurance, speed, flexibility, core and an iron will are all tested at the same time. That is where progress lies, it is where champions are made, where warriors are forged, and where bikini hardbodies are created. Stop cheating yourself. Pick up heavy weights, run faster and eat more good stuff often and you will be a ninja.

Dempsey's Resolution Fitness

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