One Dollar 14 day Trial for Paleo In A Box Program
Monday, December 31, 2012
Be S.M.A.R.T. When Planning Your New Year's Resolutions And Goals
This coming year should be one of your best ever. But you have to be S.M.A.R.T. when planning your resolutions and goals. Use the S.M.A.R.T. acronym in planning and have a higher chance of success. S.M.A.R.T. stands for:
Specific: A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. Identify exactly what one wants to accomplish. For example, “I want to walk 10,000 steps a day for the next four weeks,” or “I want to lose 5 pounds in the next four weeks.”
Measurable: Establish criteria for measuring progress toward each goal set. To determine whether the goal is measurable, ask questions such as “How much?” “How many?” “How will I know when it is accomplished?” If the goal can’t be measured, it can’t be managed.
Attainable: When the most important goals are identified, the goal setter can begin to figure out ways to make them come true. A goal needs to be slightly challenging. For example, if a new client aims to run a marathon next month, this is not attainable, but walking two miles per day probably is.
Realistic: Do not confuse realistic with easy. Realistic simply means that the goal is within the availability of resources, knowledge, and time.
Time-oriented: Set a time frame for the goal: for next week, in three months, by the next birthday. Putting an end point on a goal gives a clear target to work toward. If a time is not set, the commitment is too vague. Without a time limit, there’s no urgency to start taking action now.
New Year’s Resolutions
Percent of Americans who usually make New Year’s Resolutions: 45%
Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution: 8%
Percent who have infrequent success: 49%
Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year: 24%
Statistics show that the average time it takes a person to break a new year's resolution is two weeks to one month
8 Reasons Your New Year's Resolutions Didn't Stick
1. You didn’t make a plan for it.
2. You forgot the reasons why you were doing it.
3. You didn’t plan for setbacks.
4. You didn’t have a strong support network.
5. You took on too much too fast.
6. You weren’t accountable to anyone.
7. It wasn’t that important in the first place.
8. You’re afraid of success.
Specific: A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. Identify exactly what one wants to accomplish. For example, “I want to walk 10,000 steps a day for the next four weeks,” or “I want to lose 5 pounds in the next four weeks.”
Measurable: Establish criteria for measuring progress toward each goal set. To determine whether the goal is measurable, ask questions such as “How much?” “How many?” “How will I know when it is accomplished?” If the goal can’t be measured, it can’t be managed.
Attainable: When the most important goals are identified, the goal setter can begin to figure out ways to make them come true. A goal needs to be slightly challenging. For example, if a new client aims to run a marathon next month, this is not attainable, but walking two miles per day probably is.
Realistic: Do not confuse realistic with easy. Realistic simply means that the goal is within the availability of resources, knowledge, and time.
Time-oriented: Set a time frame for the goal: for next week, in three months, by the next birthday. Putting an end point on a goal gives a clear target to work toward. If a time is not set, the commitment is too vague. Without a time limit, there’s no urgency to start taking action now.
New Year’s Resolutions
Percent of Americans who usually make New Year’s Resolutions: 45%
Percent of people who are successful in achieving their resolution: 8%
Percent who have infrequent success: 49%
Percent who never succeed and fail on their resolution each year: 24%
Statistics show that the average time it takes a person to break a new year's resolution is two weeks to one month
8 Reasons Your New Year's Resolutions Didn't Stick
1. You didn’t make a plan for it.
2. You forgot the reasons why you were doing it.
3. You didn’t plan for setbacks.
4. You didn’t have a strong support network.
5. You took on too much too fast.
6. You weren’t accountable to anyone.
7. It wasn’t that important in the first place.
8. You’re afraid of success.
So plan your resolutions and goals using the S.M.A.R.T. concept and you will be well on your way to 2013 your fittest year ever!
If you need more assistance with your goals, check out the new schedule, specials and classes offered here - New schedule and classes
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Lose Weight and Get A Free Week Of Food!
Order now and get a free week of food-save almost $100
Order online, delivered right to your front door via Fedex
100% money back guarantee! Order now and get 3 meals and 2 snacks for around $10 a day. This is a limited time offer so hurry!
Don't miss this great deal on some awesome food that will help you reach your goals in 2013.
Order Personal Trainer Food (Meal Movement) now!
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Lenny Hits The 79lbs Kettlebells After Two Years Away
Fitness is a lifestyle. Lenny has proven this. When you follow the program and it becomes the new normal, your progress doesn't go away. From 305lbs to 245lbs -maintained for over two years now. It can be done.
Now is the time for you to change your life like Lenny has changed his.
New Deals, New Schedule, New Classes for 2013
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Monday, December 24, 2012
New Year's 2013 Group Fitness Class Specials and New Schedule
Just added: Buddy Team Deal -
Bring in a buddy and split the cost of the special.
Only $50 each.
Starts Wednesday,January 2nd. Enroll Now!
Make this year count!
Starts Wednesday Jan 2nd at 8pm. Enroll now!
All new classes start Jan 2nd. Enroll now by email, call or text to
schedule your free trial class. Class space is limited so sign up now and make 2013 the best year ever.
If interested contact Eric at or call /text 706-573-4236 or look up Dempsey's Resolution Fitness on Facebook.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Holiday Fitness: No Break Required
Fitness doesn't take a break. It is a lifestyle. There is no rule that says you have to gain weight and get out of shape over the holidays and then try to start over over in January. Keep going or start now. Even 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference. Eat right and do some exercise everyday. Don't fall into the New Years fat trap. Be fit and live healthy everyday.
You survived the Mayan Doomsday but are you prepared to survive the holidays? What is your plan to stay fit over the next couple of weeks? Or are you one of the masses who will just let themselves go, gain weight, get out of shape and then pretend that some resolution will make it all go away in January?
I am opposed to this social concept that there is some unwritten rule that says you have to do that. It is not the case. You can survive the holidays by doing simple things to make sure that you don't gain a bunch of fat, get out of shape and start the new year in a bad way.
Eat as best you can and get in some exercise. Even a few minutes a day can make a huge difference. Just 72-96 hours of no exercise sends your body into a catabolic tailspin of muscle loss and fat gain. That makes January a much tougher time for you to succeed with your resolutions. Take action now and avoid all that.
Be smart about your choices, do some exercise and enjoy yourself. You will be thankful that you did when January comes.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Get Lean Program Winter 2012: Starting Week 4.
I'm in the 4th week of my winter 2012 get lean program. My boxer shorts kept falling to my feet because they are just way too big now. So I had to go buy all new smaller ones. I'm back down to 207. My lightest weight in about 20 years. That's down 3lbs in like 5 days - not really cool but I guess that is a sign that the program is working.
The intermittent fasting is still kicking and I'm eating everything in sight during my feeding window. I've tracked a few days of my calorie intake on my fitness pal. If you use my fitness pal, friend me on there and I can help you with your plan. I just joined recently.
Tracking your numbers even for a couple days, really shows you alot. I was coming up way short even when I thought I was eating like a mad dog. So I ate more, way more and I actually went over a few times. But it was really difficult to eat too much when the foods were clean. My fitness pal calculations come up short when I compare it to the calorie programming that I use but it is a good ball park guide to show you where you are at and where you need to go.
So when you think you are doing good and eating enough - usually you are not. That's your brain telling you that you are good so you can start to plateau. Remember the difference between I think and I know. I thought I was eating the right amounts but in reality I was way short. I can't afford to stall now with all the work I have done. That's how you need to think as well.
My workouts have been heavy and getting better. I got 305lbs on the bench with the sling shot after a year off of heavy benching. I'm still working on mobility and flexibility after my last odd back injury which left me really tight and sore for the last few weeks. But it's coming along.
The plateau monkey is chasing me down and I'm trying to stay one step ahead without breaking myself. Stay focused and remember that your brain will try to stall your progress. Plateaus are normal and ok, you just need to plan for it.
We'll see how my numbers look later in the week. Keep at it and I'll have more for you soon.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
My workouts have been heavy and getting better. I got 305lbs on the bench with the sling shot after a year off of heavy benching. I'm still working on mobility and flexibility after my last odd back injury which left me really tight and sore for the last few weeks. But it's coming along.
The plateau monkey is chasing me down and I'm trying to stay one step ahead without breaking myself. Stay focused and remember that your brain will try to stall your progress. Plateaus are normal and ok, you just need to plan for it.
We'll see how my numbers look later in the week. Keep at it and I'll have more for you soon.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Personal Trainer Food: 28 Days Of Good Food Shipped To Your Door
It's no longer about counting calories, points, adding, starving, burning things off, etc. It's simply about eating natural food and avoiding processed foods. It's about simplicity, patience and lifestyle change.

28 Days of Food. 3 Meals + 2 Snacks for only $13.90 a day!
And we DO NOT do sneaky auto billing or auto shipping.
It's time to burn fat and learn how to eat. Our food is so good you will not believe you are on a diet. No starving, no counting, no adding, no counseling, no bad food! You get everything you need in our program and we mean everything!
Personal Trainer Food offers the BEST tasting and BEST valued weight loss program on the market! We GUARANTEE IT! With almost 2,000 trainers across the USA selling our food, it better taste great! All trainers agree that 80% of getting in shape is based on eating right. Personal Trainer Food was created by Trainers so their clients could eat right without the time consuming hassle of shopping, cooking or planning. Eat like a trainer, look like a trainer. We make it easy for you.
Our servings are huge and our food is simple, natural meats, vegetables, eggs and nuts. No processed fat building fillers like rice, pasta, gravy or potatoes. Our food nourishes your body with the perfect balance of healthy carbohydrates, proteins and fats which turns your fat burning switch on! Order Now and start your last 'diet' today!
Personal Trainer Food uses ONLY Natural foods like Meats, Vegetables, Eggs, Nuts and NO processed fillers, sugars, starches, noodles, rice, potatoes, gravies, etc. Our convenient 'heat & eat' individually packaged meats & vegetables allow you to eat natural foods while maintaining your busy lifestyle. Because our food tastes great, you will stick with it. Because our variety is large, you will not get bored with it. Because our portions are filling, you will not get hungry and cheat. Because it's affordable, you will feel good about it. Because it works, you will love it!
The 'Old School' of DietingFor 40 years America has tried every fad diet and for 40 years we have gained more weight. We have been confused into obesity. Low calorie, portion control, starvation diets lead to a life of ultimate weight gain. Don't feel alone, 95% of all who try this form of dieting end up failing. Why? This type of diet is temporary. It simply cannot be sustained. Personal Trainer Food believes in eating natural foods like meats, vegetables,
eggs, select nuts. Not 'less', not 'whole' this or 'low' that. It's simply changing habits of what you eat.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
My Get Lean Program Winter 2012 Week 3 Update
This week the meals have been wacked out. I have to go grocery shopping. Running out of food.
Had some high calorie cheat meals. I've averaging 2 meals a day during the feeding window. The intermittent fasting is working but it's not a fun time for someone who likes to eat the 6 meals a day starting with breakfast.
I'm pretty much hungry all the time yet I'm still under on calories by a lot.
Workouts have been ok but not where I wanted them to be. Strength is coming back. Shoulder is feeling good. Slowly making the lifts heavier.
Water intake has been better but still not enough.
I started using my fitness pal for a visual on the meal plan. If you are on there hit me up. My screen name is ericd6.
After looking at my calories and meal layout on my fitness pal, it reminded me of how hard it is to get in the right amount of calories and the right macronutrient ratio with good foods. I'm way low usually which isn't cool. Work in progress.
Numbers this week as of 13 Dec.
weight: 210
waist: 38
Body fat % BEI: 21.7
Pretty much hovering around the same although I did tighten up a bit this week. Gotta crank it into gear next week.
Stay tuned. More to follow.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
It Works Holiday Gift Packages
It Works Holiday Gift Packages
I lost 4.25 inches using one wrap in 45 minutes.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Holiday Workout Guide: Workout at home with a common chair
If you have the discipline to workout at home then you have all that you need to get in shape. Here in this video, I show you a bunch of exercises that you can do anywhere with a common chair. Hotel, motel, family's house, outside, inside, on the moon... Meaning there is no excuse.
There are a zillion more exercises and variations of each that you can do with a chair. I show you a bunch but I couldn't possibly do them all. How to use this video over the holidays: Pick a couple exercises per day and knock out a quick intense workout that covers major parts and then if you eat good, the holidays won't be an issue.
If you would like me to help you with your exercise and nutrition plan but you are too far away or can't make it to my studio; I offer Online Training where I can help you with your program anywhere using email, text, phone, skype etc... Nutrition coaching and exercise programming as well as support, motivation, counsel and advise. Contact me if you want to know more.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
There are a zillion more exercises and variations of each that you can do with a chair. I show you a bunch but I couldn't possibly do them all. How to use this video over the holidays: Pick a couple exercises per day and knock out a quick intense workout that covers major parts and then if you eat good, the holidays won't be an issue.
If you would like me to help you with your exercise and nutrition plan but you are too far away or can't make it to my studio; I offer Online Training where I can help you with your program anywhere using email, text, phone, skype etc... Nutrition coaching and exercise programming as well as support, motivation, counsel and advise. Contact me if you want to know more.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Kelly Joins The Women's Deadlift Club
Kelly joins the Women's Deadlift Club with a 205lb barbell deadlift. Now she has only the 125lb bench press left to receive the Iron Woman 2.0 award.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
10 Minute Holiday Workouts At Home
While your schedule maybe hectic and the gym is the last thing on your mind, you can salvage all of your hard work by spending as little as 10 minutes a day with a quick home workout and intermittent fasting.
Here is an example of a quick weekly schedule of what you can do at home in 10 minutes or less per day.
Monday: do as many deep bodyweight squats as you can in one minute and then go into reverse lunges, alternating legs for another minute. Hold onto a door frame or bedpost if you have to. Then finish with your staircase (if you have one) and go up and down the stairs 10 times as fast as you can. No stairs, then get down and do a minute of mountain climbers.

Tuesday: 1 minute of front plank on your elbows or hands followed by the side plank (each side) for one minute each. Then finish with 25 leg raises and 25 crunches. Do more if you can.

Wednesday: grab two objects of same weight (dumbbells if you have them) or use something like water bottles, books, cans - whatever is handy in the house. Do a quick shoulder circuit of overhead presses, front raises and side raises 20-30 reps each with no rest.
Thursday: chair dips and chair arm curls - max reps 1 minute each then jumping jacks for a minute - repeat 3 times.
Friday: Max reps wide arm, regular width and close grip pushups for one minute each - alternate with floor hip extension bridges 1 minute each.
Saturday: burpees for 30 seconds -repeat 3-6 times
Sunday: rest and work on your meal plan
Intermittent fasting: 16 hour fast with and 8 hour feeding window. High protein, medium fat low carb.
Use your imagination and make up quick workouts like the examples above. Do something! Even these little short intense workouts will help and if you add in the intermittent fasting, there is no reason that anyone has to gain weight and lose all your strength and muscle over the busy season.
Here is an example of a quick weekly schedule of what you can do at home in 10 minutes or less per day.
Monday: do as many deep bodyweight squats as you can in one minute and then go into reverse lunges, alternating legs for another minute. Hold onto a door frame or bedpost if you have to. Then finish with your staircase (if you have one) and go up and down the stairs 10 times as fast as you can. No stairs, then get down and do a minute of mountain climbers.

Tuesday: 1 minute of front plank on your elbows or hands followed by the side plank (each side) for one minute each. Then finish with 25 leg raises and 25 crunches. Do more if you can.

Wednesday: grab two objects of same weight (dumbbells if you have them) or use something like water bottles, books, cans - whatever is handy in the house. Do a quick shoulder circuit of overhead presses, front raises and side raises 20-30 reps each with no rest.
Thursday: chair dips and chair arm curls - max reps 1 minute each then jumping jacks for a minute - repeat 3 times.
Friday: Max reps wide arm, regular width and close grip pushups for one minute each - alternate with floor hip extension bridges 1 minute each.
Saturday: burpees for 30 seconds -repeat 3-6 times
Sunday: rest and work on your meal plan
Intermittent fasting: 16 hour fast with and 8 hour feeding window. High protein, medium fat low carb.
Use your imagination and make up quick workouts like the examples above. Do something! Even these little short intense workouts will help and if you add in the intermittent fasting, there is no reason that anyone has to gain weight and lose all your strength and muscle over the busy season.
If you can't make it to the gym and would like me to help you in much greater detail, I offer online training that you can do from email, text, skype, facebook, phone or however you need to.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Meal Movement Special Offer -Save $100 if you order before the 9th
Get Lean Program Update - Half way through week 2
If you'd like to join me in the get lean program, the get sexy for santa special is going on now.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Winter Get Lean Program- 5 days In
So five days in on the winter 12 get lean program. Starting intermittent fasting again sucks, I was starving all week. Now on Friday, it is under control. Body has re-adapted. Performance is back up and I feel the muscle denseness coming back as water and fat are slowly removed. It feels good but I know it will be hard to keep making gains for 4 more weeks. I gotta keep pushing hard, drinking water and keeping sugar and salt away. Killing the weights and eating real clean. Gotta stay focused and motivated. I'm studying the NASM certified weight loss specialist course now so that helps keep the info fresh in my head. If I can do it, you can do it. Check out the facebook page and subscribe to this blog to get the constant updates.
Body Fat: Down 2.2 % Body Fat -Bioelectrical Impedance
Body Weight: down ½ pound
Waist: stayed the same
Body Weight: down ½ pound
Waist: stayed the same
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Winter Get Lean Program Week 1
My winter get lean program is starting Monday, 26 Nov 12.
It will consist of 5 weeks and end on Jan 1st, 2013.
Intermittent fasting (IF) will be the nutrition protocol used with heavy strength training and metabolic conditioning.
I will use the 16/8 IF method. 16 hour daily fast with an 8 hour eating window.
Macronutrient ratio will be pre/post workout high carb, medium protein, low fat and non workout meals will be high protein, medium fat, low carb.
For supplements, I will use Muscletech Gakic and Celltech for pre/post workout. I will also take B12, CLA and Prograde K20 test booster.
Bodyfat %, bodyweight and waist measurement will be taken weekly as well as progress photos.
My starting numbers are 210.5lbs, 23.7% bodyfat according to the death meter and 38 inch waist.

Starting Pic 26 Nov 12
Weekly blog posts with the good, bad and ugly will document the journey. I will make adjustments to the program as needed.
If you want to participate on this journey with me, you can do so at the studio or from your location via online coaching. Contact me if interested.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Cyber Monday Bootcamp Special
If you missed the Black Friday sale, there is still Cyber Monday.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness is offering a Cyber Monday rapid fat loss bootcamp special.
All fitness levels welcome.
Enroll by 26 Nov 12 and receive 3 weeks of bootcamp for only $89 (reg $149.25)
26 Nov -- 14 Dec with up to 7 bootcamp workouts per week.
Class times are Mon-Wed-Fri 12-1pm
Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu 7-8pm
Nutrition coaching, 6 week meal plan and targeted fat loss cardio plan included
PM me on FB, email, text or call to schedule a free trial
Visit our Facebook Page
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Black Friday Bootcamp Special
Enroll by 23 Nov 12 and receive 4 weeks of bootcamp for only $100 (reg $199)
26 Nov – 21 Dec with up to 7 bootcamp workouts per week.
Class times are Mon-Wed-Fri 12-1pm
Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu 7-8pm
Nutrition coaching, 6 week meal plan and targeted fat loss cardio plan included
706-573-4236 /
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Make Your Holidays Sinfully Delicious And Healthy
Ever feel like you're eating pretty much nonstop from November right through to the New Year? And do you ever feel guilty about indulging in all those goodies?
Listen, you shouldn't have to skip the holiday parties just to stay on track with your healthy habits. You shouldn't have to deprive yourself. You shouldn't have to add extra workouts just to burn off all the excess holiday calories. And you shouldn't be made to feel like a party pooper if you don't partake in all the holiday meals.
So what's the solution? Simple, you need to get the Sinfully Healthy Cookbook package from Belinda Benn, which includes:
1. The Gourmet Cookbook, which includes over 100 mouthwatering and healthy recipes for every occasion.
2. The Sinfully Healthy Cupcakes Cookbook, with 24 delicious cupcakes recipes to help you burn the fat, boost your energy, improve your libido and much more!
3. The Christmas Treats and Sweets Cookbook, which includes eight tasty traditional dessert recipes from around the world (FREE Bonus).
4. The 21-Day Fat Burning Accelerator - a unique and never before released rapid fat loss program only available here (FREE).
Simply put, these cookbooks will give you a chance to enjoy the holidays again without experiencing any of the guilt!
Check it out for yourself here: Sinfully Healthy Food - and do it now, because this is the start of a delicious, guilt-free holiday season for you!
- Eric
P.S. Your friends will think you're lying. Your taste buds will be shocked. But it's true - you're about to download over 150 guilt-free recipes! Check it out now - Sinfully Healthy Food...
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Weight Loss Tips

Here are some articles with some great weight loss tips. Check them out.
Four Of The Best Ways To Boost Weight Loss
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