Liv Pur Nutritional Supplements

Friday, August 27, 2021

Kettlebell Rack Squats on the Bench

The kettlebell rack squat on the bench is another great squat variation for beginners, older adults, those recovering from injuries, and those with mobility and range of motion limitations. 

It’s also a great exercise for those with back / spine issues as the weight is front loaded, mitigating risk and stress to the spine.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Dumbbell Goblet Bench Squat

Dumbbell goblet bench squats with a pause are a great exercise to work the legs and core stabilization. This is also a very safe exercise as the weight is in front of the body and avoids direct spinal loading. 

The slight pause at the bottom reduces momentum and forces the muscles to work harder by having to initiate from the bottom stationary position. 

This exercise is great for older adults, beginners, and those recovering from injuries or medical procedures. It is also great for people with mobility and range of motion limitations. This exercise can be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell. 

It can easily be converted into a modified front squat with barbells, sandbags and other weighted implements. This is also a functional exercise for daily life activities as you are literally practicing sitting down and standing up under load. 

With my old back and hip injuries, this exercise is very good for me as it allows me to work the legs and core safely. There are many variants of squats and lunges which I simply can’t do anymore. This is an exercise that lets me train around my limitations. 

Use what works for you and always continue the mission!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Jack Stand Romanian Deadlift

The Jack Stand Romanian Deadlift is a great posterior chain exercise which helps to strengthen all of the major players involved in all forms of deadlifts and squats. It also strengthens your core and helps with good posture. 

The Jack Stands are 45lbs each so it saves on the initial 45lb plates. They have adjustable height. This takes the place of block pulls. It is great for older adults, beginners, and people with mobility and range of motion limitations (like me 😀).