Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake (Easy Recipe)
If you like easy...
If you like chocolate...
If you like peanut butter...
If you like bananas...
Well, then this latest creation from my partners over at Prograde Nutrition is right up your alley.
Check it out here ==>
Yours in health,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
March 2010 Smith Bootcamp Results
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My First Workout with My New 70.5lb Kettlebells
So after sitting through day 1 of RSLC Vehicle ID, I got home and decided I had to do something to challenge myself so I grabbed the brand new 70.5lb kettlebells and headed outside. Now, for alot of you, the 70.5lb kettlebells are easy stuff. But for my old retired broke ass, they are pretty heavy. So, I tried to get some cleans to squat to overhead press in, followed by snatches-which were really hard, then some 1 arm cleans to overhead press and ending with some deadlifts to renegade rows. It kicked my butt and didn't take long.
70.5 lb Kettlebell Squat to Overhead Press
70.5 lb Kettlebell Snatch
70.5 lb Kettlebell 1 Arm Clean to Press
70.5 lb Kettlebell Deadlift to Renegade Rows
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Protein Packed Iced Rasberry Mocha
Drinking those grande coffee drinks with whipped cream and sugar...well, they really aren't a good idea. Seriously, they pack about a zillion calories that don't do much for you - except pack on the belly flab.
But what if those drinks were nutritious? What if they were chock full of metabolism boosting protein?
Well, my partners over at Prograde just released this killer new Protein Packed Iced Rasberry Mocha recipe that you're going to love.
I'm not kidding, your taste buds won't believe this one! Check it out at:
Yours in health,
PS - And remember, Prograde is having a birthday party this week and celebrating with 15% off all their awesome products!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Nutrition Label Lies & Loopholes: Serving Size Sleight of Hand
By Tom Venuto
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
For years, concerned consumers and watchdog organizations have been screaming that the U.S. labeling laws are full of loopholes and in need of serious revision. After years of talk, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says they’re planning to so something about it. But will it be enough?

There are many food labeling issues we could complain about, but one of the biggest problems (due to its direct relationship to the obesity crisis) is serving sizes.
I’m not just talking about supersizing. What’s worse is that the actual calories are being disguised with serving size sleight of hand.
Let me show you some examples:
Tostitos touch of lime. Calories per serving: 150. Not too bad for tortilla chips, eh? Not so fast. Check that serving size: 1 ounce. That’s a whopping 6 chips. There are 10 servings per container. That’s 1500 calories in the bag.
Most guys could knock off half that bag for a cool 750 calories. Ok, suppose you have some restraint and you only eat a third of the bag (20 chips). You still get 500 calories. But who stops at 6 chips?
Vitamin Water. While I could rant about how sugar water is being marketed as health food, I’ll stick with the serving size sleight for now.
The label says there are 50 calories per serving. Wow, only 50 calories! Plus they add all those vitamins. Must be good for you and perfect for dieters, right? Think again. Look at the serving size and servings per container: 8 oz per serving and 2.5 servings per container.
Excuse me, but is there ANY reason for making it 2.5 servings other than to disguise the actual calorie content?
When you see that the entire bottle is 20 ounces, you realize that it contains 125 calories, not 50. Although 20 ounces is a large bottle, I don’t know many guys who wouldn’t chug that whole thing.
Sobe Lifewater? Same trick in their 20 oz bottles.
Healthy Choice soup, country vegetable. They make these in convenient little microwavable containers with a plastic lid. Just heat and eat.
It says 90 calories and 480 mg of sodium per serving. Wow, less than a hundred calories. Wait a minute though. Turn the container around and you see the serving size is 1 cup and the servings per container says “about 2.”
Huh? It looks pretty obvious to me that this microwave-ready container was designed for one person to eat in one sitting, so why not just put 180 calories per container on the label (and 960 mg of sodium). I guess 90 calories and 480 mg sodium sounds… well… like a healthier choice!
Ben and Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie ice cream.
This infamously delicious ice cream with its own facebook fan page has 270 calories per serving.
We all know ice cream is loaded with calories and should only be an occasional treat, but 270 calories per serving, that’s not too terrible is it?
Look a little closer at the label. The serving size is ½ a cup. Who eats a half a cup of ice cream? In fact, who hasn’t polished off a whole pint by themselves? (the “comment confessional” is below if you’d like to answer that)
According to Ben and Jerry, there are 4 servings in that one pint container. 270 calories times 4 servings = 1080 calories! That’s about half a days worth of calories for an average female.
I could go on and on - crackers, chocolate chip cookies, muffins, pasta, boxed cereals (who eats ¾ cup of cereal), etc. But I think you get the point.
What’s the solution to this mess? News reports in the last week say that the FDA may be cracking down. Count me among those who are pleased to hear this news. One of their ideas is to post nutritional information, including the calories, on the FRONT of the food labels.
The problem is, this move by itself could actually make matters worse. Suppose Tostitos started posting “150 calories per serving” right on the front of the bag. Most people would assume the chips were low in calories. Putting calorie info on the front of the label would help only if it clearly stated the amount of calories in the entire package or in a normal human-sized serving!
Ah, but the FDA says they’re on top of that too. They also want to standardize or re-define serving sizes. Sounds great, but there are critics who say that consumers would take it as approval to eat larger servings so the strategy would backfire.
Suppose for example, the government decides that no one eats ½ a cup of Ben and Jerry’s so they make the new serving size 1 cup, or half the pint-sized container. Now by law the label says 540 calories per serving instead of 270. Is that like getting official permission to eat twice as much?
I’m not against the FDA’s latest initiative, but what we really need is some honesty in labeling.
Food manufacturers should not be allowed to manipulate serving sizes in a way that would trick you into thinking there are fewer calories than there really are in a quantity that you’re likely to eat.
It would be nice to have calories for the entire package listed on the label at a glance. A new rating scale for caloric density would be cool too, if it could be easily interpreted. It would also be nice to have serving sizes chosen for quantities that are most likely to be commonly eaten. But standardization of serving sizes for all types of foods is difficult.
My friends from Europe tell me that food labels over there are listed in 100g portions, making comparisons easy. But when you consider how much each individual’s daily calorie needs can vary (easily 3-fold or more when you run the gamut from totally sedentary to elite athlete, not to mention male and female differences), standardization that applies to everyone may not be possible.
I think the recent laws such as requiring calories on restaurant menus are a positive move that will influence some people’s behavior. But no label changes by themselves will solve the obesity crisis. A real solution is going to have to include personal responsibility, nutrition education, self-discipline, hard work and lifestyle change.
Changes in the labeling laws won’t influence everybody because the people most likely to care about what labels say are those who have already made a commitment to change their lifestyles (and they’re least likely to eat processed and packaged foods - that have labels - in the first place). Actually, for those who care, all the info you need is already on the labels, you just have to do a little math and watch out for sneaky label tricks.
There’s one true solution to this portion distortion and label lies problem: Become CALORIE AWARE. Of course that includes educated label reading, but it goes much further. In my Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle system, here is how I define "calorie counting:"
1. Get a good calorie counter book, chart or electronic device/software and get to know the calorie counts of all the staple foods you eat on a daily basis. Look up the calorie values for foods you eat occasionally.
2. Always have a daily meal plan – on paper – with calories printed for each food, each meal and the day. Use that menu as a daily goal and target.
3. Educate yourself about average caloric needs for men and women and learn how to estimate your own calorie needs as closely as you can based on your activity, weight, body composition, height, gender and age.
4. Get a good kitchen food scale and use it.
Keep counting calories and doing nutrition by the numbers until you are unconsciously competent and eating the right quantities to easily maintain your ideal weight becomes second nature.
Obviously, saying that calories are all there is to nutrition is like saying that putting is all there is to golf. Calorie quality and quantity are both important. However, it’s a mistake to ignore the calorie quantity side of the game. Serving sizes matter and even healthy foods get stored as fat if you eat too much..
You can play “blindfolded archery” by guessing your calories and food portions if you want to. Hey, you might get lucky and guess right. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend depending on luck - or the government - for something as important as your body and your health. I would recommend the personal responsibility, nutrition education, self-discipline, hard work and lifestyle change…
Tom Venuto, author of
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
Founder & CEO of
Burn The Fat Inner Circle
About the Author:
Tom Venuto is a fat loss expert, lifetime natural (steroid-free) bodybuilder, freelance writer, and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: Fat-Burning Secrets of The World’s Best Bodybuilders & Fitness Models (e-book) which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: Burn The Fat, Feed the Muscle or Burn The Fat Inner Circle
Friday, March 19, 2010
Safflower Oil You Helps Lose Belly Fat?

So the latest news from the weight loss trenches is the use of Safflower oil to help lose belly fat.
Special thanks to Allison, my long time friend and client, for providing me with this great info. Allison always keeps me up to date on what’s hot in the weight loss world.
What is safflower oil? The oil comes from safflower seeds, produced by the Carthamus Tinctorinus, which is a spiny, thistle-like plant. It flowers in July and produces 15 to 20 seeds per flower head. The oil comes from these seeds. Safflower Oil is rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, in fact having the highest amount of linoleic acid of any seed. The oil is flavorless, colorless, and very sensitive to light and heat. Like olive and other oils used in cooking, it should be stored in a cool, dark place, to prevent it from breaking down and becoming rancid.
It is believed that it originated in Afghanistan, the Nile Valley or Ethiopia. From these places, it spread throughout the Mediterranean region and was carried to the New World by the Spaniards. It was also brought to China. Today, it is commercially grown in California and Southern Australia.
Safflower oil is rich in linoleic acid or Omega-6. It is an essential fatty acid (cannot be synthesized by the human body) and must therefore be supplied by the diet. Safflower oil contains the highest amount of linoleic acid of any known seed. Because it is easily oxidized, it needs an antioxidant such as vitamin E to prolong its shelf life. It is particularly suitable for products that normally require refrigeration such as salad oils and margarines.
Nutritional Content of Safflower Oil Per Teaspoon
- Calories: 80
- Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Linoleic Acid: 7 grams or Omega-6 : 7 grams (76%)
- Monounsaturated Fatty Acid: 1 gram (14%)
- Saturated Fatty Acid: 1 gram (10%)
Based on the source, safflower oil is available in different types. For example, some contain high percentage of oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acid), whereas others have linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acid) in high amounts. The nutritional content of safflower oil includes fats, omega 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and phytosterols. Safflower oil benefits includes helping in shedding extra pounds, lowering blood cholesterol levels and reducing blood sugar levels. Regular use of safflower oil also ensures healthy skin and hair.
A study appearing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and widely reported by the media in the summer of 2009, claims that post-menopausal women with Type-2 diabetes who added two teaspoons of Safflower Oil to their diet, lost 2 to 4 pounds of belly fat and increased their muscle mass by as much as 3 pounds. The women didn't change their diets or exercise habits. The safflower oil was also shown to lower their blood sugar by as much as 19 points. While this study included only women, previous studies have shown that men can benefit from the CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) found in safflower oil as well. How safflower oil reduces belly fat is unclear, but Ohio State University professor, Dr. Martha Belury, who conducted the study, said it may be related to changes in the functioning of tissue where the fat is stored.
The women were instructed not to change their diets, or exercise patterns over the course of the study. Lead researcher Belury stated "I never would have imagined such a finding. This study is the first to show that such a modest amount of linoleic-acid rich oil may have a profound effect on body composition in women." The women took a daily dose of 1-2/3 teaspoons of safflower oil."
Postmenopausal women tend to lose muscle while gaining fat (adipose tissue) around their abdomens. This investigation shows dietary oil can complement lifestyle and medication in helping older diabetic women.
Results: Although safflower oil did not lower total body fat, it did reduce abdominal (belly) fat by 2.3 pounds and 4.2 pounds, or an average of 6.3%. It also increased lean muscle mass by an average of 1.4 pounds and 3 pounds. Moreover, it reduced fasting blood sugar levels by 11 and 19 points.
Bottom Line is that Safflower Oil is a good fat and can provide many health benefits. It’s worth giving it a try. Always consult your doctor before making any dietary changes.
Belury M et al. " Comparison of Dietary CLA with Safflower Oil on Body Composition in Obese Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus" American Journal of Clinical Nutrition June 17, 2009 (Epublished ahead of print)
Simple and Healthy Chicken Pizza
Eating healthy does NOT mean bland and boring food. They say the proof is in the pudding. Well, I don't have a recipe for pudding today, but how about one for pizza?!
Yours in health,
PS - This mouthwatering "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have compiled.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Why Do Hard Training?

Throughout the last 28yrs, I have participated in most forms of fitness training, always with a military / martial arts focus. The type of training that I do is designed primarily for performance enhancement but also works great for metabolic fat loss training.
People say, I am not trying to join the military, I just want to look and feel better. My reasoning is this: If the training that I have you do, will get a soldier in shape to perform well, under the extreme circumstances of military hardship, what do you think it will do for the average person?
The answer is that it will get you to a very high level of fitness in the least amount of time. When combined with the supportive nutrition plan and targeted fat loss cardio, my program gets you lean, strong and fast, sooner rather than later. Plateaus are planned for as the program increases in intensity and variety, constantly.
There is the functional aspect of my training that is key to all aspects of life. It has a military focus but carries over to daily life activities. The methods that I teach are used globally by military personnel, athletes and body transformation experts. Everyone who is in very good shape uses some or all aspects of my training in varying forms. The basic fitness principles are the same for a Russian Special Forces soldier or for a woman trying to get rid of baby weight.
Strength Training, core stabilization training, high intensity interval training and supportive nutrition. My methods combine all of these together to maximize efficiency and time. Why do 10 different things, when you can do 3 and get faster and better results? More bang for the buck and the hour.
Look at these pictures and find the relevance between my training and what you see.
EricDempsey's Resolution Fitness
Monday, March 15, 2010
3 Weird Foods With Mega Nutritional Power
This first article will knock your socks off. I mean, really, who knew that coffee beans were so much more than, well, coffee?
Next, you'll be stunned by how powerful Brussel Sprouts are. And Barley Grass, too. Bet you thought Barley was just for beer, right? ;-)
I'll be back soon with more awesome health, fitness and nutrition info!
Yours in health,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Current Food Culture and Child Obesity
This is an awesome clip that explains the no BS version of whats going on in our country and the world. This guy's presentation is awesome and I'm now a fan of his. This is why I am in the fitness industry. These problems can be prevented and fixed. Our kids and ourselves should not be fat and dying while corporations and governments make billions off of our sugar laden misery.
Support your local farms and eat healthy while working out hard and you'll never have a problem.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Awesome Progress by Clients and Bootcampers this week!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
1 Rule To Optimize Your Workout
So I figured this would be a great time to share this killer article with you. It's from my friends and partners over at Prograde Nutrition.
Bottom line: Recent research shows any strength training workout should be followed by proper post-workout nutrition.
It's all right here ==>
Yours in health,
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
PS - I'm not kidding around. Do NOT waste your workout by fueling your body with junk afterward. Find out what the RESEARCH shows:
First Iron Woman Award

The Women's Deadlift Club has a New Member

Dempsey's Resolution Fitness