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Sunday, October 10, 2021

Equalizer Regressed Bent Knee Pull-up

The Equalizer regressed bent knee pull-up or inverted row is another great way to work your back muscles (lats). 

Use this variant of the exercise when having your legs out straight is still too hard or difficult. 

This is a good version to use when you are rehabilitating from injury, sickness, or surgery, when you are a beginner, starting over, or an older adult or a person with limitations. 

If you don’t have an equalizer bar, you can use any suspension trainer devices like rings, or a TRX, any straight bar or barbell set at the appropriate height on a rack, smith machine or a similar setup. 

If you were at home, you can use any straight bar, broom or shovel handle, in between two chairs or similar height objects. Use your imagination and you can see the possibilities in different situations. 

There are many ways to progress or regress this exercise to fit your needs. As you get stronger you can move on to a multitude of other great back exercises.

Eric Dempsey 
ISSA Master Trainer 

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