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Saturday, October 23, 2021

Eat More? Are you sure?

Post Fasting Feast of the day! 

Pepper Garlic Chicken Tenderloins, scrambled eggs, mixed nuts and seeds, mango slice and strawberries. 

In the quest to build muscle, burn fat, and to get stronger, your food must be a priority. 

I habitually under-eat, not by choice, but because it’s really hard to eat my required calories with clean unprocessed foods. 

So I laugh when clients tell me that they are all over the nutrition thing. Yeah right, sure you are. 

Our world has been brainwashed into believing that “eat less and cardio more” is a good thing when it definitely is not at all. 

The true proven rule is to eat the right amount, of the right stuff, at the right time, based upon your individual needs and goals. 

And for most people that usually means that you need to eat more, not less. That’s reality. 

So I’m gonna try to eat more, not less and that will help to make the bigger weights move in the gym.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Bodyweight Reverse Lunge: Some key points to think about


Lunges are an important exercise and they are often undervalued in comparison to squats and deadlifts.

There are many different types of lunges and there is the lunge that is just wrong.

The lunge like all other main leg exercises is about hip extension not leg extension.

You should drive through your lead heel and squeeze the glutes forward, fully extending the hip and maxing out the glute contraction.

Pulsing up and down, pressing off the ball of the foot or toes of either foot, pushing off with the back leg instead of the front leg, not keeping a neutral spine with braced abs and not coming up to full hip extension are all signs that I cue clients to correct.

Some people do these things because they say they are working their quads on purpose.

I say they do it because nobody taught them right and somebody forgot to tell them it's a glute exercise.

The lunges are now hard for me with my old injuries but I still do them. My mobility isn't what it used to be so I work on body weight lunges to keep form as best I can while strengthening the legs and posterior chain.

Focus on form and technique and don't worry about the big weights.
It's also a great finishing exercise after squats or deadlifts.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Equalizer Regressed Bent Knee Pull-up

The Equalizer regressed bent knee pull-up or inverted row is another great way to work your back muscles (lats). 

Use this variant of the exercise when having your legs out straight is still too hard or difficult. 

This is a good version to use when you are rehabilitating from injury, sickness, or surgery, when you are a beginner, starting over, or an older adult or a person with limitations. 

If you don’t have an equalizer bar, you can use any suspension trainer devices like rings, or a TRX, any straight bar or barbell set at the appropriate height on a rack, smith machine or a similar setup. 

If you were at home, you can use any straight bar, broom or shovel handle, in between two chairs or similar height objects. Use your imagination and you can see the possibilities in different situations. 

There are many ways to progress or regress this exercise to fit your needs. As you get stronger you can move on to a multitude of other great back exercises.

Eric Dempsey 
ISSA Master Trainer