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Monday, September 30, 2019

Why Mindset is the Most Important Aspect of Wellness

During this morning’s coffee and SLLS halt, I reflected on a question regarding what is the most important aspect of overall wellness.

In my wellness system, which I teach, the four cornerstones of wellness are mindset, lifestyle, nutrition, and fitness.

I have listed them in their order of importance, in relation to overall wellness.

Mindset is the number one, because without the proper mindset, a person will rarely make the necessary changes, and take the required action, to facilitate success with the other three.

I tell my clients that you have to get your mind right, before you worry about whether or not your coffee creamer is the culprit behind your weight gain, and lack of progress.

You have to zoom out, and look at the big picture, before you dive into the weeds, worrying about your ranch salad dressing.

There are usually much bigger, and more obvious issues, surrounding a person who struggles to make progress.

Once your mindset is on track, you move on to lifestyle assessment and so on.

Don’t worry about the micro, until you have the macro sorted out.

Go hit the weights and have a great day!

Eric Dempsey
MS, ISSA Master Trainer

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