Liv Pur Nutritional Supplements

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Type Of Foods Are Good Fats?

What's up with the fat???
Lots of people always ask me what are sources of good fats. People are socially trained to believe that fat is bad and that no fat / low fat is good. This is very wrong. No fat / low fat is very bad for you.
Bottom line is to avoid trans fat, hydrogenated oils (including partially hydrogenated), monoglycerides and diglycerides and canola oil ( stands for canadian oil, (industrial lubricant) made from rapeseed which is unfit for human consumption). Don't fear saturated fats-they are natural and very good for you in moderation.

So some main or common sources of good fats are: fish, nuts, seeds, flax seed meal, almonds, walnuts, pecans, avocadoes, good oils such as extra virgin olive oil, safflower oil, palm oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, grape seed oil and coconuts. This list can go on forever and if you want to see more choices simply google lists of good fats.

Additional fat info for your knowledge.

Your body should have up to 30% of it's caloric intake per day and per meal, come from good fat, in order for your body to operate in it's healthiest manner. Your brain, organs, cells and a bunch of other bodily functions use fat for energy, to be healthy and to run the human machine.

Saturated fat has been given a bad wrap because it comes primarily from animal foods such as butter, cheese and meats. Also there are plant derived fats such as coconut and palm oils which are also extremely high in saturated fat and very good for you.

Monounsaturated Fats primaarily come from OIls, Nuts, Seeds and Legumes

Polyunsaturated fats are primarily broken down into two subgroups: omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

Foods high in omega-3-fatty acids include salmon, halibut, sardines, albacore, trout, herring, walnut, flaxseed oil, and canola oil. Other foods that contain omega-3-fatty acids include shrimp, clams, light chunk tuna, catfish, cod, and spinach

Omega-6 fatty acids include corn, safflower, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed oil.

According to the Paleo Diet, The typical western diet is overloaded with omega 6 fatty acids and contains insufficient omega 3 fatty acids. The current ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids in the U.S. diet is about 10:1 whereas in hunter-gatherer diets it is closer to 2:1. This dietary imbalance in fatty acids (excessive omega 6 and insufficient omega 3) is a fundamental underlying cause of many chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, many cancers, most inflammatory diseases, and many psychological disturbances.

Because of the imbalance in the (omega 6/omega 3) ratio in the typical western diet, a chronic state of low grade inflammation can exist which in turn may promote many health disorders and diseases. Combined with the overuse of trans fats and the ratio imbalance of good fats, the common western diet eater is setup for failure from childhood. It makes total sense why the obesity rate for adults and children are skyrocketing.

So to keep it simple, get your fat from a full spectrum of sources and don't overdo too much of anything. You want to take in good fats from all the different good types and not too much from just one type. Variety will provide this and keep you from getting burned out on one food.

You gotta eat good fat to lose fat - ain't no way around it. Your body needs it. So get on it and start planning your fat sources for your next meal plan.

Dempsey's Resolution Fitness


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