Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
BK and the Modified Inferno Workout 26 AUG 09
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kimberly's Workout 25 AUG 09
Today, Kimberly did a killer workout consisting of kettlebell squat to overhead press with 30lbs with both hands and single arm kettlebell squat to overhead press with a 35lb kettlebell, then the powerwheel handwalking, pikeup to pushup and knee tuck in, high box jumps, glute-ham raises, 180lbs shrug machine deadlifts, jumping pullups to pushups and 135lbs barbell deadlifts. She completed this workout after completing the morning fitness bootcamp workout. These exercises are very difficult for most women and Kimberly shows that women can train hard and should not be intimidated by hard exercises. The days of the pink dumbbell for women are over!!
Powerwheel Handwalking 1
Powerwheel Handwalking 2
Box Jump 1
Box Jump 2
Glute Ham Raise
180lbs Shrug Machine Deadlift
Jumping Pullup to Pushup
135lbs Barbell Deadlift - even though Kimberly could do 180lbs on the shrug machine deadlift, the barbell deadlift is much harder, even with lighter weight. It is lower to the floor which increases the difficulty level alot. Here she struggles to pull off a rep with 135lbs and she got it!
Powerwheel Pikeup to Pushup and Knee Tuck In
Saturday, August 22, 2009
SAT WOD - Inferno 22 AUG 09
I always try to amaze myself and once again I pulled it off. I kicked my own ass in 1 minute and 15 seconds and it was the hardest cardio interval I've done lately. It was also a total body smoker. The video doesn't look like I'm really exerting myself but let me tell you what... it kicked my ass like nothing I've done lately. I was only trying to demo the exercises for the video but it turned into a shotgun blast of lung searing hell. This workout of the day was thus named "inferno". Complete as many rounds as possible in two minutes - I was done with one round.
Why was it so hard you say? 1. I weigh 225lbs and it's hard for me to move my fat butt with my injuries. 2. ok the wheelbarrow has at least 200lbs of concrete in it. The tire pull used the tire with rim (35lbs at least) and a 50lb sandbag in it so conservatively let's say 85lbs. Then add the run, jump over the tire and pushup and you have found a new short cut to intensity.
This workout will be coming soon to a bootcamp near you - modified of course. If you want to test yourself to the under 2 minute challenge, let me know - I dare ya.... hehehehe
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Eric's Fitness Bootcamp
She has done two killer workouts so far and she isn't afraid to get down and dirty in the yard- Tabata style. The clan is growing, slowly but surely. The intensity and results are hard to beat.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Fitness Bootcamp Tabata Workout
Rachel hits the ropes - she is doing great and looking good!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Proper Deadlift Technique - Humor
Don't do this at home. This is funny- Thanks Rogers!!
Wednesday Bootcamp Workout at the House
They did a Tabata drill consisting of the inchworm, plank, double crunch, side plank and
sandbag overhead carry.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tuesday Outdoor Workout
No excuses. Make it happen!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
July Bootcamp Video
Kettlebell Training for Women
Many women are intimidated by kettlebells and other free weights. I try to teach my personal training clients the value of dumbbell, barbell and kettlebell training early on. There is nothing to fear as these tools are some of the most effective strength and conditioning devices available. Core training is unavoidable with the use of kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells.
Today, Kimberly, who is participating in her 2nd fitness bootcamp class, as well as personal training with me now, conducted a killer kettlebell workout. She ran through my circuit of squat to overhead press, (double and single arm), the swing, windmill, windshield wipers, renegade rows with pushup, upright row to squat thrust and sumo deadlift. Kettlebell training is very technical and it takes practice and patience to master the movements. Driving on the heels and firing the glutes forward are the key components of most kettlebelll techniques.
Check out her videos:
KB Windmill
Renegade Rows with Pushups
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Fat Loss Honor Roll 31 Jul 09
Melissa lost 2.7% Body Fat and raised her bench press from 105lbs to 120lbs this week. She is only 5lbs away from joining the Bench Press Club! Awesome work!
Rogers lost 4.3% Body Fat - Great Job!
Sean raised his Bench Press from 285lbs to 290lbs.