Liv Pur Nutritional Supplements

Monday, October 20, 2014

Are you a busy, hard working person? Why you need to detox!

If you are like me, you have daily stress in your life. You work hard and take care of your family. You are busy and time is precious. The standard American diet is not your friend.

Fast food, high calorie drinks, loads of processed foods, lots of flour, sugar, MSG, nitrates and artificial coloring and sweeteners have led our country to it's current health state. Over 33% of the country is obese and well over 50% are overweight. You might exercise but for many, it's not enough. You need help because your health depends on it.

While these statistics are gloomy and depressing, there is hope. It doesn't have to be this way for you. By making some lifestyle and behavior changes, along with changes to your way of thinking and nutrition program, you can be free of the standard American diet dilemma.

Detox programs have risen in popularity over the last few years. Most include promises of quick weight loss and increased health. Many involve the use and purchase of pills, shakes, creams and potions, with a lot of starving. I do not agree these type of programs at all.

That is why I decided to find a detox program that is healthy and involves whole food nutrition without the use and purchase of the quick fix extras. My detox program is an elimination based, whole foods program that has 3 levels and is Paleo friendly.

Your body builds up and retains toxins which lead to inflammation which causes health issues. To give your body and organs a break and a period of cleansing and healing, eliminating the ingestion and accumulation of toxins aids in reducing inflammation. By simply altering your food intake by eliminating toxic and inflammatory food, you can begin the process of cleansing and healing. Your body will process out more toxins and you will begin to look, feel and perform better. You do not have to starve yourself. Eating foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, with the right macronutrient levels of protein, fat and carbs, while maintaining a good level of hydration will quickly cause positive changes in your body. I always sum it up by saying that you need to eat the right amount of the right foods at the right time.

If you try my program for 21 days, you will be amazed at what you can achieve by simply making some changes to your eating. You don't need to starve, take pills, creams, shakes and potions. You just need to eliminate some types of foods that are toxic and inflammatory. The three levels of my program give you choices and the ability to try the program 3 separate times.

With my program you can expect to lose some pounds and inches while increasing your health and energy levels by eating good food. Some people have lost up to 20lbs on this program in three short weeks. Wouldn't that be cool? But in three week, if you lost any amount while becoming healthier and feeling better, it would be worth the low price of the program.

I only promote and sell programs and products that I believe in. This is one of those programs. You can do this detox program on your own, by yourself or you can do it with my support group and in conjunction with one of my fitness programs.

Take a look and see if this is something that could kickstart your journey towards health and fitness. You are worth it. Health is the most important gift that you can have. Start getting healthy today by joining the others who have made positive, life changing improvements with my program. Yesterday you said tomorrow. The time for health, energy and wellness is now. Click on the link for more details.

Eric Dempsey
Master Sergeant, U.S. Army Retired
NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Loss Specialist
Graduate Student in Exercise Science at Cal U.
Dempseys Resolution Fitness

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