Great article by Joel and a great deal.
Dempsey's Resolution Fitness
By Joel Marion, CISSN
Did you know that there's ONE solitary hormone that pretty much controls EVERY other weight loss hormone in your body, and your ability to burn fat altogether?
In fact, when you have this ONE hormone on your side, fat loss truthfully couldn't get easier.
When you don't, however, losing even a single pound can become virtually impossible.
The hormone? Leptin. And here's the unfortunate news: Just about everyone is unknowingly fighting a losing battle with leptin each and every time they attempt to lose weight.
With that said, it's not very hard at all to see why so many people outright struggle to shed their unwanted body fat, month after month, year after year.
That's why in the next few paragraphs I'm going to explain to you exactly why and how leptin is limiting YOUR fat loss, and how 6 odd herbs—many of which you probably never heard of before—can actually solve all the problems leptin poses as you attempt to drop those unwanted pounds.
First, in order to burn fat, your body depends on these two things:
1) high levels of leptin
2) highly-sensitive leptin "receptors"
Now for the bad news…
Anytime you go on a diet and reduce your calorie intake, leptin levels plummet and fat burning is dramatically reduced.
Because leptin's main function is to protect your body against starvation, and in the midst of decreased food intake (i.e. dieting), your body unfortunately views your stored body fat as a huge asset to survival.
After all, body fat provides a vast supply of stored energy and warmth, both highly-valued resources when food is in short supply.
You see, when you go on a diet, your body isn't aware of your hopes for a slim, tight waistline or your desire to drop 20 lbs in time for your high school reunion or summer beach season. In fact, the only thing it does know is that your calorie intake is now below "normal"… and to your brain, that's a big red flag.
The result: reduced leptin levels and dramatically decreased fat burning.
In fact, research has shown that leptin levels drop by as much as 50% after just 7 days of dieting… that puts you at only 50% of your fat-burning potential just one WEEK in to your fat loss plan, and it only gets worse with each passing day.
And if that wasn't bad enough, with every pound you DO struggle to lose, leptin levels fall even further, making it even more difficult for you to continue to lose fat.
Because, as mentioned, in the face of calorie restriction, your body views stored body fat as an asset to survival. The more fat you lose, the more "danger" your body senses, and the harder it is to strip away that next pound.
Hello fat loss plateaus!
Now, I hate to continue to be the bearer of bad news, but the scenario I just explained is actually only HALF the problem.
The other unfortunate reality is that the vast majority of people are ALSO suffering from a condition known as "leptin resistance" due to years of high body fat levels and a diet full of processed foods.
Leptin resistance simply means that even at high levels, leptin is no longer able to properly signal fat burning to your body, dramatically decreasing it's fat loss effects. That's a pretty disheartening truth for the fat loss enthusiast, but as I alluded earlier, there IS something you can do about it.
Let me ask you this:
What if I told you there was a drop-dead simple way to keep leptin levels high as you lose weight,while also increasing your body's sensitivity to the hormone?
Is that something you might be interested in?
You see, if you could do that, you could essentially keep your body in a fat-burning state all the time… high leptin levels = high levels of fat burning… 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Can you just imagine how much MORE fat you'd burn if your body was no longer limiting your rate of fat loss on a daily basis?
A LOT more.
And here's the great news: there is indeed a drop-dead simple way to achieve exactly that, and even better, it only takes a measly 30 short seconds each day to implement.
As mentioned in the subject of this email, this "trick" involves the use of 6 odd flab-belly herbs that together have been shown to tackle leptin from both problematic angles: production and sensitivity.
Here they are:
#1. Irvingia Gabonensis, a powerful extract from the African mango that has been shown to support leptin sensitivity by inhibiting the production of C-reactive protein (CRP), a chemical in the body that has been linked with the development of leptin resistance, by up to 52%.
And check this out...
To further support this extracts dramatic effect on weight loss, in one double-blind study, 102 otherwise-healthy overweight volunteers received either 150 mg of Irvingia extract or a placebo, twice daily prior to meals, for a period of 10 weeks.
At the end of 10 weeks, the Irvingia group lost an average of 28 pounds (13.1% decrease in body weight), shed 6.7 inches from their waistline, and had reduced their total body fat by an average of18.4%!
Furthermore, it was found that those who supplemented with Irvingia experienced a 26% decrease in total cholesterol, and blood sugar levels dropped from an unhealthy fasting blood level of 85.5 to a much healthier 66.3!
As expected, those receiving the placebo experienced no measurable difference in scale weight, girth measurements, body fat percentage, or health markers
#2. Oleanolic Acid. This compound extracted from olive tree leaves has a stimulatory effect on a specific gut peptide called Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1). Research shows that an oral dose of this extract can increase GLP-1 by 48%, which has in turn been closely linked to increased leptin production.
#3. Modifilan®, a potent seaweed extract harvested from pristine Arctic waters off the coast of Iceland, has been shown to stimulate increased leptin production in fat cells by up to 18% through its ability to stimulate Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in the adrenals. Stimulation of TSH in turn stimulates the production of leptin in fat cells.
#4. Panax Notoginseng, a well-known and commonly used traditional Chinese herb called "Shan Qi" by master herbalists was recently shown to also have unique metabolic properties, including naturally suppressing appetite and increasing leptin sensitivity.
#5 YerbaX™, a potent blend of a rare green tea extract and South American yerba mate extract which together have been shown to synergistically increase resting metabolic rate and mobilize fatty acids from fat cells to be burned, all while suppressing appetite and increasing energy and alertness.
Now, while you could try to locate all of the above ingredients individually, research the actual extracts of each that yield the positive leptin effects mentioned above, purchase them all separately and pay shipping on each, then sort through study after study to determine the scientific dose of those extracts, the good news is that we already did ALL of that for you at BioTrust Nutrition and put it in to one scientifically-backed, lab-tested, ultra-convenient product called LeptiBurn™.
Just take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the afternoon and let SCIENCE do the rest.
You see, LeptiBurn™ is the ONLY scientifically-backed dietary supplement created specifically to solve your body's BIGGEST fat-loss problem: your body's production of, and sensitivity to, the ONE solitary hormone that literally controls everything related to fat loss.
Listen, the fact is this:
You can gain control of leptin today, or you can allow it to continue to control you.
The choice is yours.
Get LeptiBurn® up to 33% OFF right now
And why wait? With our 1 YEAR, 100% Satisfaction, Money-back Guarantee you have a full 365 days to get a full refund if for any reason you aren't satisfied.
Am I crazy?
No, I'm just so incredibility confident that you will see and experience accelerated fat- burning results with LeptiBurn that I want to make it an absolute no-brainer for you to try it right now.
And on top of that, we're even going to throw in a free copy of my brand new rapid fat loss book, The Fat Burning Hormone Diet, 100% FREE with your order as well…a $47 value, yours FREE!

To begin experiencing just how EASY fat loss can be when you have leptin on your side, simply choose your money-saving package at the link below and be sure to email me when you're fitting back into your college jeans and the compliments just can't stop rolling's not long off.
Get LeptiBurn® up to 33% OFF + The Fat Burning Hormone Diet FREECan't wait to hear about your results! Get started now.
Excited for your rapid fat loss success,

Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
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