So I hired a certified master trainer and weight loss specialist to help me combat my obesity problem.
My BMI number indicated that I was in the obese category so I knew I needed to take action.
6 weeks later I’ve lost 15.5 lbs.
What was the program that I followed from this trainer?
It was the “get off your ass and go workout and stop eating garbage” program.
And who is this trainer?
It’s me of course.
All kidding aside, I really have lost 15.5lbs over the last 6 weeks. This is the lowest weight I’ve been at in the last 5 years.
The kicker is that this was not a deliberate weight loss program. It was just a side effect of what I was doing.
Did I starve myself? No, I actually have been eating as much as I can including cheat meals.
Did I follow a strict diet plan that focused on calorie deficit? Nope, I loosely did a paleo / keto meal plan with intermittent fasting.
Did I do hours of long useless cardio? Nope, definitely not. I hit the weights.
Was I trying to lose weight? Definitely not!
So if you are having trouble losing weight, there are specific reasons which cause this difficulty.
There are many variables that you have to look at such as total calorie intake, macronutrient ratios, sugar and sodium, high glycemic carbs, hormone issues, medications, stress and sleep, hydration, exercise type and frequency, and alcohol consumption.
Odds are that you will find your problem and answer in the variables listed above.
Stop eating and drinking crap, go eat healthy food and go hit the weights.